Matignon: a meeting that ended in failure


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

M. Capelli, C. Méral, D. Fossard, E. Huin, A. Porte, J.-M. Mier, PH. Deslandes, A. Lepinay, S. Melasse, C. Pary, G. Bensoussan, M. Le Rue – France 2

France Televisions

Wednesday April 5, on the eve of the eleventh day of mobilization against the pension reform, the meeting between Elisabeth Borne and the unions yielded nothing.

Crucial minutes for the unions. They arrive at Matignon (Paris)To 10:04 a.m., Wednesday, April 5. United, smiling. Objective : against Élisabeth Borne, obtain the withdrawal of the pension reform. A face-to-face of 55 minutes before the unions slam the door. “In this meeting, it felt like the government was in a parallel reality”denounces Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT.

dialogue of the deaf

I heard their disagreement on the raising of the age and I was able to repeat to them my conviction and that of my government of the need for this reform”said the Prime Minister. After this dialogue of the deaf, the unions call on the French to mobilize, Thursday, April 6.We are determined, we will go all the way”warns an employee of the thermal power plant of Gardanne (Bouches-du-Rhone). The mobilization in the streets will be scrutinized.

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