Mathilda May betrayed by her ex: he left her for the ex-wife of a president

At 56, Mathilda May is a happy woman in love, in a relationship with the discreet Sly Johnson. But, during her life, she dated other men including… Richard Attias. The businessman did not leave only good memories for the popular actress, who had a bad experience of their surprise breakup before recovering from it.

Indeed, after two marriages – with Paul Powell then Philippe Kelly – and a long romance with Gérard Darmon – with whom she had two children – Mathilda May had met Richard Attias. A short liaison of a few months which will end in a separation at the initiative of the Moroccan businessman, former president of Publicis Events Worldwide who has since founded Richard Attias & Associates. The latter had dumped her to go live another story of the heart with … Cécilia Sarkozy. This one, at the time married with the former President of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy, will divorce in 2007 to marry Richard Attias the following year, in New York.

This story has left traces in the mind and heart of Mathilda May. “I blame myself the most for being so duped“, had admitted the actress in the columns of the magazine Paris Match in 2008. But, despite this romantic betrayal, the Caesarized star had preferred to take the side of seeing the glass half full. “I have never felt so good since I was alone. A breakup is always painful: but this ordeal has turned into a godsend for me. A bad for a good“, added the actress.

All this is now ancient history, Mathilda May having found love again. She discreetly frequents rapper Sly Johnson, a former member of the Saïan Supa Crew. “Sly and Mathilda even both collaborated together in 2016, when the actress had signed the choreography of the trio Amala-Junior-Sly“, related Gala last year in a portrait devoted to his new companion.

The girl cut in halfon Arte, Wednesday February 2, 2022 from 8:55 p.m.

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