Mathieu and Alexandre (Love is in the meadow) separated: heartbreaking message from the farmer…

Remember that the couple did not break up. Mathieu and Alexandre are physically separated, nothing more. The first is in Martinique while his lovers are in mainland France. Last October, during an interview granted to our colleagues from Gala, the farmer mentioned the reasons for his presence on the island. “We are going to the West Indies, mainly Martinique, to help the KAP Caraïbes association. We’re going to tour colleges and high schools to talk about love, homosexuality and inclusionhe revealed. We must not forget that we are going to an island where 80% of the population is homophobic. It’s quite a challenge. Going there as a gay couple is fine. But going there as a homosexual couple exposing themselves through radio and TV shows is much more risky.“The couple also had another project: “We are going to try to co-produce a documentary in which Alex and I will be immersed with homophobic families. I tell myself that if we spend a stay with these families and that in the end we hug and kiss each other, well, we will have won everything.

If they left in pairs, for the time being Mathieu remained alone in Martinique. Indeed, Alexander has returned home. But rest assured, his other half will be back soon, in mid-April…

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