Matches postponed: “It’s exaggerated”, says Connor Hellebuyck

Winnipeg Jets goaltender Connor Hellebuyck is not on the same wavelength as the National Hockey League (NHL) when it comes to postponed games.

• Read also: NHL still on hiatus

• Read also: NHL at the Olympics: players would not go to Beijing

More than forty games have been postponed by the Bettman circuit in the past few days with the multiple outbreaks of COVID-19 and the arrival of its variant Omicron in North America. A method that is obviously not unanimous among NHL players.

“I can’t speak for everyone, but from my point of view, it’s a bit of a stretch,” Hellebuyck said at a press conference on Tuesday. We see leagues like the NFL adapting and which I think are doing it the right way. “

Indeed, the NFL decreed a few days ago that if players were doubly vaccinated and did not show symptoms related to the coronavirus, they were free to play 24 hours after receiving a positive test result. Those who do not want to play anyway also have this option. The Goodell circuit thus plans to end its season and start its playoffs. Other constraints, such as wearing a mask at all times in the infrastructure and during team meals, were imposed.

A bad for a good

In the meantime, Hellebuyck can still turn to the bright side. He can rest in a schedule that is normally very grueling.

“It’s a shame, but it’s Christmas, so we’re enjoying the break. We can use that time as a little mental reset or to see the family, enjoy the vacations and enjoy what we have, ”said the Jets goaltender, who has maintained an 11-9-4 record since the start of the game. campaign, posting a 2.69 goals against average and .916 efficiency.

Hellebuyck, who won the Vézina Trophy, awarded to the best goalkeeper in the NHL, in 2019-2020, is undoubtedly a candidate of choice to represent the American team at the Beijing Olympics scheduled for February 2022.

However, to believe the unofficial statements according to which the leaders of the league and the Association of the players of the NHL have agreed to the non-participation of the hockey players, he will have to put aside this prestigious tournament.

“I will be 32 years old. I know I’ll play my best hockey, but we’ll see if it’s the same story. It would have been a great opportunity to play, but we have to be able to deal with that, ”commented Hellebuyck, visibly annoyed by this feeling of déjà vu.

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