Matane – Baie-Comeau – Godbout Traverse | Return to service of F.-A.-Gauthier on Sunday

Taken out of the dry dock at Verreault Navigation des Méchins on November 20 for repairs that cost $ 2.2 million plus taxes, sea tests were carried out all week in Matane on the NM F.-A.-Gauthier. If we are to believe the Société des traversiers du Québec (STQ), the tests are conclusive. As a result, the ferry will resume its regular river service between Matane and the North Shore as of Sunday.

The sun

Since no issue related to passenger safety and the environment is at stake, the STQ has decided to make its flagship available to its customers. The STQ communications manager ensures that repairs were carried out on the mastodon which was losing oil. “We had no unpleasant surprises during the operation,” says Simon Laboissonnière. The investigation and analyzes allowed us to make a diagnosis and correct the situation by applying the manufacturer’s protocol. We are confident that the work carried out will resolve the problem identified. “

Read the full article on the Sun

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