Massive strike to come in childcare centers

Thousands of parents whose children attend a childcare center will find themselves in front of a nasty puzzle next week, while the educators will hold several days of strike.

• Read also: The long desert crossing of a Rimouski childcare center

After the early childhood workers affiliated with the CSN, it is the turn of the CSQ union members to announce two days of walkout next week, Monday and Friday. For their part, the 11,000 workers of the CSN will be on strike Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Hundreds of CPEs from all over Quebec are affected by these pressure tactics. The parents of thousands of toddlers will have to find a plan B to keep their offspring.

To those who denounce the fact that educators are taking children hostage by these walkouts, the president of the Federation of Early Childhood Workers of Quebec (FIPEQ-CSQ) replies that in the field, a movement of support on the part of parents is felt.

“The ball is in the government’s court. If we are on strike Monday, it is because they are not ready to settle, ”indicates Valérie Grenon, in an interview.

Negotiations are stalling

Despite the resumption of talks, negotiations between the government and the educators “are stalling”, she deplores. “Our negotiating team is at the table now, but what we see is that there is no room for maneuver, the ministry does not seem to want to unblock things,” she insists. .

Mme Grenon recalls that his union has however put water in its wine and submitted a counter-offer just a few days ago.

If it really wants to deliver the 37,000 new child care spaces promised to parents, the Legault government must further promote the early childhood professions. “Despite what he promises parents, there will be no [nouvelles] places open without the educators and without all our workers, ”insists the union leader.

Not attractive to young people

The salary increases currently on the table for women workers at the start of their careers are not sufficient to attract more students, argues Valérie Grenon.

“There are very few increases for very poorly paid employment groups, whether it is our food managers, our specialized educators. […] and office workers, ”she adds.

The workers in childcare centers were given a strike mandate of up to 10 days at the beginning of the fall. Thus, other days of strike could be called later.

Last week, Quebec announced that it intends to increase the remuneration of educators up to 20.22% for those who agree to work up to 40 hours per week.

3200 workers CPEs affiliated with the CSQ


  • Monday 1er November
  • Friday November 5

11,000 workers CPEs affiliated to the CSN


  • Tuesday, November 2
  • Wednesday November 3
  • Thursday, November 4

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