massive demonstration against the environmental policy of Jair Bolsonaro

Several thousand demonstrators responded on Wednesday, March 9, to the call of the famous Brazilian singer Caetano Veloso to protest in front of the Parliament in Brasilia against the environmental policy of President Jair Bolsonaro, who hopes to see controversial laws approved at no charge.

To compensate for a possible shortage of fertilizers from Russia due to the conflict in Ukraine, one of these texts aims to legalize mining exploration on lands supposed to be reserved for traditional indigenous activities.

The demonstration brought together other important artists from the Brazilian scene, such as Daniela Mercury, rapper Emicida or singer and actor Seu Jorge, and dozens of community activists, mobilized against the “package of destruction”laws that could particularly affect indigenous territories in the Amazon.

“It is an unprecedented mobilization (…), Brazil is living its most serious moment in terms of the environment since the redemocratization [après la dictature militaire de 1964 à 1985]Caetano Veloso told a Senate hearing before joining the protest.

“Deforestation is out of control, violence against the natives continues to increase and our international credibility is at an all-time low”added the icon of the tropicalist movement, known for his songs committed during the lead years of the military regime.

The allies of President Bolsonaro are trying to get the Chamber of Deputies to adopt the emergency regime for the examination of a bill that would allow “to explore potassium reserves [utilisé dans de nombreux engrais] and ensure sufficient fertilizers for agriculture”explained the deputy Ricardo Barros, leader of the presidential majority.

With this emergency regime, this text can be debated directly in plenary session, without going through committees. If approved, it will still have to go through the Senate to come into force.

A major agricultural power, Brazil imports more than 80% of its fertilizers. When it comes to potassium, the proportion is even more overwhelming: 96%. Russia, Brazil’s main supplier, accounts for 20% of the fertilizers imported by Latin America’s leading economy.

According to MP Rodrigo Agostinho, of the Ecologist Parliamentary Front, the Bolsonarists are using the conflict in Ukraine as a “pretext”. “This project is actually about authorizing mines that are illegal today. It has nothing to do with fertilizers. Most of Brazil’s potassium is in other states, not in the Amazon, and outside of native reservations”he explained.

source site-27