Mass distribution of Publisacs | Justin Trudeau “understood”, hopes Valérie Plante

Justin Trudeau “understood” Montreal’s dissatisfaction with Canada Post, which massively distributes advertising material despite a municipal by-law prohibiting this practice, Valérie Plante said Friday.

The Mayor of Montreal received the Prime Minister of Canada at City Hall.

She spoke to him in particular about the issue of the Publisac, which has been causing frustration for several months within the Plante administration.

“I was happy to have the conversation directly with Mr. Trudeau, because his government and our administration share the same objectives in the fight against climate change,” she said. “This is the first time I’ve spoken to Mr. Trudeau directly about it. He understood. He understood the issue. »

It was the printer Transcontinental, which operates the Publisac, which turned to Canada Post after the City of Montreal banned large-scale advertising distribution.

The public company has repeated several times that the law governing its activities does not allow it – with very few exceptions – to deliver the mail entrusted to it.

As a federal enterprise, Canada Post is not subject to municipal regulations.

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