Martine Vassal (LR), president of the Aix-Marseille Metropolis announces her support for Emmanuel Macron

Martine Vassal (LR), president of the Aix-Marseille Metropolis announced in the Municipal Council in Marseille this Friday morning to support Emmanuel Macron in full session. The President of the Republic published in the daily regional press, a letter the day before to announce his candidacy.

After the rallying of Lionel Royer-Perreaut, mayor of the 9th and 10th arrondissements and that of Renaud Muselier, president of the South Paca Region, it is the turn of Martine Vassal, president of the Aix-Marseille Metropolis to announce her support for Emanuel Macron.

The president of the Bouches-du-Rhône department and the Aix-Marseille metropolis has decided not to sponsor anyone in the presidential election but nevertheless announces her support for the outgoing president, who has just been an official candidate.

I deeply believe that national unity is now our only path. So I decided to support to the presidency of the French Republic. At the heart of a storm unprecedented since 1945, he is the only one who can give hope to the French“, explained Martine Vassal.

A little more than five weeks before the first round of the presidential election, President Emmanuel Macron formalized his candidacy for a second term in a “Letter to the French” published this Friday in the regional daily press.

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