Martine Aubry calls on the Socialist Party to validate the agreement with La France insoumise

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09:50 : “The battle promises to be titanic”. This is how the spokesperson for the PS, Pierre Jouvet, presents the National Council, which is to be held this evening. Our journalist Benjamin Mathieu returns to the atmosphere within the rose party in this article.

09:36 : Gérald Darmanin made this announcement during a press conference in Bousbecque (North). His deputy will be outgoing deputy Vincent Ledoux, a member of the right-wing pro-Macron “Agir” party.

09:34 : Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin will be a candidate in the 10th district of the North.

09:34 : My press release following the draft agreement between the @partisocialiste and @FranceInsoumise


09:33 : In this text, she also expresses her reservations, in particular on Europe. “Everyone imagines that this agreement does not correspond in all respects to my deep convictions”she writes, before adding: “like any agreement to oppose the right and the extreme right, it implies that each takes steps towards the other”.

09:35 : “The voters on the left expressed during the first round of the presidential elections a strong aspiration for unity and unity. This message must be heard.”

In a statement posted on Twitterthe Lille elected official explains her decision.

09:29 : The socialist mayor of Lille, Martine Aubry, calls for a vote for the agreement with La France insoumise.

09:20 : Thanks, but no thanks. According to information from Politico, Nicolas Sarkozy made a donation to Valérie Pécresse to help reimburse her campaign expenses. Don that the latter hastened to send him back, no doubt angry at the lack of support from the former president during the campaign.

09:00 : It is 9 a.m., here is the point on the news:

• Will it be effective and respected? A ceasefire, decided by the Russian army, should come into force for three days this morning around the Mariupol steelworks, the last bastion of Ukrainian forces in the city. Here is the update on yesterday’s fights.

• Decisive day for the Socialist Party. On the verge of explosion, the PS submits this evening to its national council the agreement adopted with La France insoumise and the other forces of the left. “There is no submission to the ‘Rebellious'”defended himself this morning the number one of the party, Olivier Faure.

A new complaint, concerning another range of pizza, has been filed against Buitoni, the plaintiff’s lawyer announced this morning.

If all of humanity lived like the French, it would have consumed this May 5th all the resources that the planet can renew in one year, WWF announced this morning. It is the famous overshoot day.

08:46 : Account settling on the left. On CNews, the deputy of La France insoumise, Alexis Corbière reacted to the departure of Bernard Cazeneuve from the PS by believing that it had “as much effect as the disappearance of the speaking clock”.

08:38 : “It’s a somewhat unnatural alliance, it’s the ideological takeover of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, and therefore of the far left, on the left as a whole, it’s obviously quite problematic for France”

On France 2, this ally of Emmanuel Macron sharply criticizes the new alliance on the left.

08:34 : The PS has lost its soul and I will not vote for an anti-European and revolutionary sovereigntist radical left coalition with Mélenchon who defended Putin

08:34 : Perhaps it would be necessary to re-read Mélenchon’s program and his previous positions before rushing into a union of the left. Is the proposed path really compatible with what we would like France to be? And a union of facade the time from the distribution of the constituencies and the heartbreaks that will follow during the next decisions in Parliament, is this really what the French left hope? Nupes, isn’t it more like Games of Dupes?

08:38 : Hello, congratulations to the current leadership of the PS for going in the direction of history and finally stopping the drift of their party towards Macronie. Bye bye elephants! Long live NUPES!

08:34 : No not all ! Socialist since always, the union of the left, yes of course, but not under these conditions, not carried out only to satisfy the egos of a single person, not to the detriment of certain fundamental values ​​like Europe, not like a takeover of only one party out of four others…

08:34 : The declaration of the number two of the PS on the alliance of the left, desired according to her by the electorate, makes you react strongly in the comments.

08:26 : Invested for the legislative elections, some LR candidates like Soizic Perrault (Morbihan) or Laura Cinieri (Loire) prefer to withdraw after the bitter failure of the presidential election, citing their local mandate or a disagreement with the orientation of the party. “Our candidates leave with a capital of 4.78%or the score of Valérie Pécresse in the first round of the presidential election, analyzes an elected official with AFP. Next to that we have a united left, Emmanuel Macron who won, an RN in shape…”

07:53 : “This is what the leftist electorate wants and what our activists want.”

Invited to franceinfo, this PS executive justifies the agreement with La France insoumise.

09:05 : Hello @gregparis14. Attention, small Parisian subtlety which can make reading our map complicated in the capital. Constituency numbers do not correspond to boroughs. The 14th constituency of Paris covers part of the 16th arrondissement, an arrondissement where Eric Zemmour came second in the first round, with 17.48% of the vote.

07:48 : Hello FI, how could Éric Zemmour’s party come out on top in the 14th district of Paris when it has just over 6% in the presidential election?

07:33 : These estimates relate only to the first round and do not predict the results of these duels. Gathered in the first round, the left could have problems with the reserve of votes for the second.

07:31 : According to this estimate, the “New Popular Ecological and Social Union” or NUPES is doing very well, and would be present in the second round in 471 constituencies. This is more than La République en Marche (448 qualifications) and than the National Rally which would only have 296 constituencies in the second round. Far behind, Les Républicains and Reconquête would only be second in one constituency each: the 14th in Paris for Éric Zemmour’s party, in Wallis-et-Futuna in the case of LR.

07:25 : What will change the new alliance of the left in the legislative elections? To see more clearly, our journalist Théo Uhart has compiled the results of the first round of the presidential election by constituency to estimate the poster for the second round. You can check out his card in this article.


07:12 : Hello @Franckiegoes. Indeed, at least one woman, the socialist deputy Valérie Rabault claimed to have refused the post (which the Elysée did not confirm). “They will retire at 65, it is contrary to my convictions”, explained the president of the socialist group in the National Assembly, to HuffPost.

07:10 : Hello and thank you for your live, it seems to me to have heard furtively on the antennas of France Info that one or even two women would have already refused the post of Prime Minister. And nothing since. Can you tell us a bit more? And what would be the reasons? Franck du Sud Ouest, your loyal listeners.

07:05 : While the list of candidates invested by LREM is being discussed, Edouard Philippe’s party wants to lead the dance in certain constituencies. And creates in passing new tensions between the former Prime Minister and Emmanuel Macron. Our journalist Antoine Comte takes stock in this article.

06:52 : The agreement on the left, finalized yesterday with the arrival of the PS, is on the front page of your newspapers this morning, with Release and Humanity.



06:31 : After sifting through the LREM nominations for the legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron has validated a first list of candidates. It must be made public today, learned franceinfo.

6:00 am : We get up on the right foot with a first point on the news:

• Will it be effective and respected? A ceasefire, decided by the Russian army, should come into force for three days this morning around the Mariupol steelworks, the last bastion of Ukrainian forces in the city. Here is the update on yesterday’s fights.

• Decisive day for the Socialist Party. On the verge of explosion, the PS submits this evening to its national council the agreement adopted with La France insoumise and the other forces of the left.

Emmanuel Macron received climate experts to prepare his “ecological planning”. Objective: to think “to the implementation of ecological planning” that he promised for his second term, said the Elysée.

Real Madrid eliminates Manchester City, and offers a ticket to the Champions League final, after an epic match! Find the summary of the meeting here.

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