Martin Hirsch will leave the direction of the Public Assistance-Hospitals of Paris

In a letter sent to employees on Friday June 17, to which franceinfo had access, Martin Hirsch announces that he will leave his post as director general of the AP-HP “at the end of this month”, after nine years of service. This resignation was confirmed to franceinfo this Friday by Rémi Salomon, the president of the national conference of presidents of CME (establishment medical commission) of the CHU. .

In his letter, Martin Hirsch emphasizes the strengths of the AP-HP, “solidarity, care, transmission, innovation, assistance, public service”, but he also denounces “what infuriates the most: the rigidities, the heaviness, the rivalries and the selfishness, the forces of inertia, the denigration”, he lists.

Martin Hirsch took up his post as head of the Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris in 2013. He indicates that he tendered his resignation to the government. “I have never taken a commitment lightly and I have put all my strength so that this one too is kept”he wrote in this letter.

“It is because I thought I could not meet all the conditions for this commitment to be respected that I decided, a month ago, to hand over my position as Director General of the AP-HP to the disposal of the government, explained Martin Hirsch. At the end of May, he once again sounded the alarm on franceinfo, judging that the situation in Ile-de-France hospitals was “very severe”. The boss of the AP-HP had mentioned the growing lack of staff and a “critical situation” after two years of the Covid-19 pandemic.

The director general of the AP-HP considers that he cannot commit to “build a hospital model different from what it was before” the pandemic.

“I am not ashamed to say that I love the AP-HP and those who serve it.”

Martin Hirsch, Director General of the AP-HP


“The AP-HP has considerable assets”insists Martin Hirsch. While the hospital is going through a deep crisis, marked by staff shortages and emergency services in great difficulty, Martin Hirsch recognizes “that although we have achieved a lot together, we have not (yet) succeeded in (…) guaranteeing that it will not return to the way it was before”.

Before becoming Director General of the AP-HP, Martin Hirsch was appointed High Commissioner for Active Solidarity against Poverty in 2007, then High Commissioner for Youth in 2009. He left the government of François Fillon in 2010 , following the regional elections.

source site-14