Martin Fourcade responds to the accusations of Ukrainian biathlete Dmytro Pidruchnyi

The five-time Olympic biathlon champion had been taken to task by the Ukrainian biathlete after the positions of Simon Fourcade, his brother.

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As on the track, when we attack Martin Fourcade, the Catalan responds. SSaturday April 2, his brother, the former biathlete Simon Fourcade, declared himself against the exclusion of Russian athletes by international federations. Ukrainian biathlete Dmytro Pidruchnyi, who has joined his country’s national guard since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, lambasted in an Instagram post the comments of the coach of the young teams of the French biathlon team. In this post, Dmytro Pidruchnyi also targeted Simon’s brother, Martin Fourcade, saying “sorry for voting for [lui] to the Athletes’ Commission, [et] that such great athletes have turned out to be shitty people.” “Damn it,” concluded the former opponent of Fourcade on the slopes.

In the afternoon of Sunday, April 3, the new IOC Athletes’ Representative responded to Pidruchnyi on the Instagram social network.“I’m not used to responding to private attacks on social media, but I’m a little tired of being insulted. Your sadness doesn’t allow you everything,” he launched in the preamble. Thenthe seven-time winner of the general classification of the World Cup recalled that “even if you [Dmytro] don’t agree with that: a lot of Russians don’t support this war.”

Finally, the Ukrainian biathlete criticized the French star for not publicly condemning the Russian war in Ukraine. To which the Frenchman replied: “Does anyone really think that I don’t condemn this war? Of course I do!”

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