Martin Fourcade is having a very natural birthday for the 7th birthday of his adorable Manon!

He will remain for a long time to come as one of the greatest French athletes of the 21st century. At 33, Martin Fourcade has literally won everything in his sport, biathlon, notably obtaining 5 Olympic gold medals for a career spanning almost 14 years. Now retired, he is nonetheless a committed player in the world of sport and one of the key players in the Olympic Games in Paris in 2024 since he is chairman of the Athletes’ Commission. An important and very demanding role less than two years from one of the most important deadlines that our country will experience.

Despite a certainly very busy schedule, Martin Fourcade finds the time necessary to spend good times with the family. At the end of August, he notably took advantage of a beautiful moment near Annecy in the company of his daughter Manon since the father and daughter went for a nice hike in the area, but they were not alone, the champion’s mother was with them. “Gift of life for this day with my daughter and my mom. spoiled by nature, he wrote at the time. Yesterday, little Manon celebrated her 7th birthday and for the occasion, Hélène Uzabiaga’s companion sent her a beautiful message on her Instagram account. “7 years that I love you so much”he wrote to accompany a superb photo of the adorable little brunette.

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