Martin Fourcade: His daughter Manon, adorable cyclist, future champion? The girl assures!

An adorable little blonde who doesn’t seem to be afraid of anything! At almost 7 years old, Manon Fourcade impressed Internet users this Tuesday with her relaxation on a mountain road: already very comfortable, the little girl already leads the peloton without worries. It must be said that when his dad is called Martin Fourcade, we are not really scared on the mountain roads…

Would she be well launched in the footsteps of the athlete? Possible, as she seems comfortable and happy on her bike. Still rather small, she could however take over from a family of champions led by her father, of course, five times Olympic champion and thirteen times world champion in biathlon, but also her uncle, Simon, also world champion.

Can’t wait for winter, let her show all her father’s subscribers her skills on skis! In any case, this one seems very proud of her in this rare family moment shared with its subscribers. Rather discreet about his relatives in fact, the champion shares only a few images of his eldest, nor of his youngest, Inès, 5 years old, who was to have stayed with her mother.

One of the last photos of the little girl was from almost a year ago: the now-retired champion posted a beautiful portrait of his first doll for her birthday, captioning “6 years of nonsense #papafier“. A little Manon, who, like her sister, must in any case be happy to be able to take full advantage of her father for several months.

Indeed, since the end of 2020, Martin Fourcade retired, leaving biathlon orphaned by this immense sportsman… or almost: this winter, another Frenchman, Quentin Fillon-Maillet, revealed himself by also winning five medals. gold at the Olympic Games. A feat that greatly pleased his eldest, still present in the community: in fact, he has been part of the steering committee for the 2024 Summer Olympics which will take place in Paris for several years. And in terms of the Olympics, he knows better than anyone!

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