Martin Fourcade dad for the 3rd time! A surprise birth, he reveals the sex and first name of the baby

As we often say, never two without three but in the case of Martin Fourcade, it must be said that we no longer really hoped to see the former biathlon star have a third child. A true legend of his sport, the 34-year-old Frenchman has literally won everything, including 5 Olympic gold medals and more than ten world champion titles. A domination which notably earned him the nickname of Catalan Ogre, he who left only crumbs to his opponents during the races.

Alongside his prolific career as a biathlete, Martin Fourcade has also become a very fulfilled man in his private life, in a relationship with Hélène and father of two adorable daughters, Manon (7 years old) and Inès (5 years old). Since retiring from sport, the tall dark-haired man has bounced back perfectly by becoming chairman of the Athletes’ Commission for the 2024 Summer Olympics and Paralympics. take care of her daughters. For Manon’s 7th birthday last September, they had a great outing together. “Gift of life for this day with my daughter and my mom. Spoiled by nature. 7 years that I love you so much”he wrote on this beautiful day.

Since yesterday we are 8 billion on our beautiful planet, 8 billion human beings so different and so close

And beautiful days, Martin Fourcade risks experiencing others in the coming days since, as he has just announced on his Instagram account, the former biathlete has become a dad for the third time! Very discreet in recent months, the latter has kept the information secret until today. He has just posted a cute photo of his child holding his finger, all accompanied by this message: “Since yesterday we are 8 billion on our beautiful planet. 8 billion human beings so different and so close. Welcome little boy. Welcome Hugo. Welcome my little boy.”

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