He will play the main role in “Marius and the Guardians of the Phocaean City”, an adventure comedy which is due to be released in 2025.
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Soprano embarks on a new dream, that of becoming an actor. He plays the main role in Marius and the guardians of the Phocaean city, an adventure comedy directed by Tony Datis. A new universe that the rapper discovers with relish.
“Usually with clips, we’re on playback, we’re going to do two shots… Here what’s good, and what’s different, is that we wait a long time to realign the cameras, to redo the same scene as you did just before. There are wide shots, technical shots, tight shots, so I enjoy it, I’m like a child“, says the apprentice actor.

Soprano is filming in Marseille
Soprano actor in the streets of Marseille
(France 3 Provence-Alpes / B. Rolland / N. Carme / E. Guez)
Soprano, star among young audiences, and one of the French’s favorite personalities, plays the role of a self-proclaimed tourist guide “King of Marseille”, “who carries his customers around in his panoramic bus. The day his vehicle breaks down, jeopardizing his small business, he meets three local kids who claim to be on the trail of treasure. Marius then finds himself engaged in a dangerous adventure“, summarizes the synopsis.
An adventure which is above all a story of friendship. “The director, Tony Datis, is the one who made almost half of my videos. And each time, we said to ourselves : You remember when we watched The Goonies, when we watched Indiana Jones, it would be a great thing to be able to do it in Marseille. It matured in his head, he wrote the script, he called me and told me : I think I have the script, and I told him, come on, let’s have fun, come on, let’s do it, and that’s how it went“, says Soprano.
“I knew he had the potential to be an actor, I knew he wanted to act. It was natural to offer him this role“, adds Tony Datis who is therefore directing this comedy expected in theaters early next year.