Married at first sight: Axel reacts to Caroline’s disappointment: his cash response on his physique

Yes, come in Alicia and Bruno it was obvious, it was more difficult for another couple formed by the experts of Married at first sight 2022. During the March 28 episode, Caroline did not hide her disappointment after discovering Axel, with whom she was 80% compatible. The day after the broadcast, the 30-year-old project manager and site pilot reacted on Instagram.

Married at the age of 21, Axel went through a divorce that broke him. Now well in his shoes again, he made the decision to participate in Married at first sight in the hope of finding the woman of his life. And seeing Caroline, he had a real crush. “At first glance, it’s an explosion for me. She is magnificent. She has a lot of presence, she laughs, she is jovial and that’s what I like“, he said in particular. Unfortunately, this attraction was not shared. Caroline was disappointed by her physique and tried to drown the fish by making humor. Images discovered by Axel at the same time as everything the world on television.

By pleasing yourself, you please the right people

Very active on Instagram, the young man wanted to speak on the subject on his news feed this Tuesday, March 29. “Since discovering my HPI HPE, I have knowingly opened up to the abstract world around me. In our world, we must PLEASE, and at what cost? I’m not talking about money but about shrink. We feel and we notice all these people who want to please, and please everyone. These people who leave parts of their soul because you have to be handsome, tall, muscular and clean-shaven. My view is more nuanced, because I assume that the body ‘degrades’ over the years. But not the soul. For romantic encounters, of course, a minimum of physical attractiveness is required. The primary instinct you know!“, he first wrote.

Axel therefore prefers to focus on the energy a person gives off to make their romantic choices. “The feeling is essential” he recalled. A way of proceeding which allowed him to live beautiful relationships with women who attracted him at first sight or not. During the workshops of Married at first sight, he therefore did not focus on the physical criteria. He simply asked “a harmonious physique“.”I’m not attracted to shapes, -150 and +180 (I’m 173 and the size criterion is macho in addition to being out of time). And I think that is all. I have rather and always insisted on morale, good energy, good humor, kindness, tolerance, the ability to welcome a man, introspection. I tell you, I don’t please everyone, and I’m proud of it. To please everyone is to please anyone as I often say (even at MAPR workshops). By pleasing yourself, you please the right people“, he concluded.

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