Married at first sight: An ex-candidate soon to be a dad, photos with his mysterious pregnant companion

Cyril has of course received many congratulatory messages. “Congratulations ! I am very happy for you and for you three“, apart from example writes Estelle Dossin, one of the experts of Married at first sight.

Very discreet with regard to his private life, Cyril never explained how he had met the mother of his child. Since March 2021, he has “simply” shared a few couple photos and he was careful to hide his face.

His community knows, however, that during his adventure in the television show, he had married Laura with whom he was 81% compatible. But both had made the choice to divorce. “I wanted us to go a long way together, to really try! We stayed together for one or two months, we saw each other, we tried. We saw that we were missing something. I was very introverted and she was very extroverted. I need to be quiet and she was the opposite! If we had a lot in common, there were things between us that did not pass. Laura wanted to change me too quickly, that put a brake on me. We divorced two months after the adventure“, he had explained to Entertainment TV at the time.

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