Married at first sight: A candidate in serious financial difficulties, her shock revelations

This year, Emily was part of the cast of the new season of Married at first sight. She thought she would find love there thanks to the experts and even started a promising relationship with her husband Frederick, with whom she was 86% compatible. Unfortunately, very quickly disagreements came to taint their budding romance, until the violent break-up occurs. Less than a year after filming the romantic M6 show, Emilie is still bitter about her experience. Especially since it only brought him trouble.

Guest of the new number of baby story from Jeremstar on YouTube, the mother of Lina (1 year old) explained that she was going through a difficult period, financially speaking. And for good reason, since his participation in Married at first sight, Emilie lost her job in real estate. And contrary to what one might think, the filming brought him nothing. “We are not paid. We are compensated for our working days“, she corrected.

Having become popular in the eyes of the public, Emilie then embarked on product placements and influence on social networks. However, she earns much less money than in the past. “There, today, with what I do in product placement, I couldn’t even pay half my rent. Before, I worked in real estate, I earned a decent living and now it’s quite the opposite. I earn twice, three times less. I know there are candidates who are highly paid but I am not.“, she insisted on making it known, specifying that she had today”struggling to make ends meet“.

I have no alimony at all, you have a little help from the CAF, but frankly, it does not exceed 250 euros per month. That’s not what you’re going to be able to feed your child with. (…) I really have everything to pay. Anyway, today I have less than 2000 euros per month“, she confided, adding that she was currently over 1,500 euros overdraft at the time of the interview. “So people who think I make a living, not at all!“, she concludes.

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