Married at first sight 2022: Why was Emilie left out of the cast at the start?

The sixth season of Married at first sight begins this Monday, March 21, 2022. Viewers will meet some of the fourteen bachelors of this season who will unite for the first time (or not) not in the town hall of Grans but in Gibraltar. Emily is one of the contestants and yet the 34-year-old single mom almost never made it to the program.

The beautiful brunette who works as a wealth management advisor experienced a real emotional shock. For two years, she spun the perfect love with a man who made her happy to get pregnant. But, during the fourth month of pregnancy, he left her overnight because it was possible that their child was carrying a disease. It was therefore alone that she continued her pregnancy and gave birth to her daughter Lina. A moment that could have cost him his life. “I hemorrhaged during my delivery and I almost died with my daughter. At the maternity ward, I saw men with their wives while I was alone in my room. I cried so much“, confided Emilie to Entertainment TV.

Despite everything, she never stopped believing in love. As proof, she has applied to be in the casting of Married at first sight hoping to meet”a good person“. Her daughter was 5 months old then., a detail that was important for expert Estelle Dossin. “Our first instinct was to reject Emilie’s candidacy because of her daughter’s age.“said the clinical psychologist to the magazine. She feared that Emilie was looking for a father for her daughter and not a husband. But the young woman was able to convince them that she was ready to take the plunge.”I have the right to rebuild my life“, she launched.

Pascal de Sutter and Estelle Dossin therefore had the difficult task of finding him a compatible man and they succeeded. Always as revealed Entertainment TV, it was Frédérick, a 40-year-old real estate agent, who suited him the most. At 84% more precisely, the highest rate of the season. He too has not had it easy since his daughter does not speak or walk. Her epileptic seizures require her to move to a specialized institute located abroad. The trials of life, he therefore knows.

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