Marriage of François Hollande and Julie Gayet: Were their children present at the ceremony?

It was a beautiful day for Julie Gayet and François Hollande: this June 4, when they had just celebrated the 50th birthday of the actress the day before, the couple united at the town hall of Tulle, their stronghold of Corrèze . And without telling anyone: in the village, no one saw the bride, sublime in her Hermès dress, while the guests were very limited in number: four witnesses… and that’s it!

If Jean-Pierre Jouyet (confidant of the ex-president), Jean-Louis Audren (one of his high school friends), Catherine (one of the best friends of the actress) and Benjamin Biolay were therefore able to attend the exchange of rings, this was not the case for their children: none of them were there, neither on the side of the politician, nor on the side of the actress, according to Paris Match.

Information confirmed to the magazine by the eldest of the family, Thomas: “I was not present, neither my wife, nor any of my brothers and sisters“, he confided. Astonishing news, since the children of the ex-president seem to get along rather well with their new mother-in-law, even if some tensions remain. But this one could not no longer count on his children: Tadéo and Ezekiel, his two young adult sons had surely stayed with their father, the Argentinian Santiago Amigorena.

Two boys who have however often had trouble with the difficult relationship maintained by their mother with celebrity: very protected, they sometimes had the impression of being hidden. There are two, in interview for Madame Figaroshe had spoken of a discussion between them which had shocked her: “During a conversation, we talked about the care I had taken to protect my privacy and theirs. One of them then told me that he might have had the impression that I was hiding him more than I was protecting him. That, perhaps, I was ashamed. I was terrified !

A care to protect his children that François Hollande has also always taken: we very rarely see his four children, born of his union with his former companion, Ségolène Royal. Thomas, born in 1984 and a lawyer, however, regularly posts photos of him and his wife, journalist Emilie Broussouloux on Instagram. His brother Julien (born in 1987) and his sisters Clémence (born in 1986) and Flora (born in 1992) are much more discreet.

The four children had also missed an important event for their father in 2012: barely elected president, François Hollande had been officially invested during a ceremony in which his clan had been conspicuous by its absence. And for good reason: Valérie Trierweiler, then in a relationship with the president, had refused to invite Ségolène Royal there, causing the boycott of the brothers and sisters.

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