Marriage of Christine Bravo: she reveals why Laurent Ruquier and the Big Heads were not there…

Christine Bravo is still on a little cloud since she got married, for the third time, in Corsica. The former host of the show free Union joined civilly with Stéphane Bachot, in the small village of Occhiatana, where she has been living for a few months after moving from Paris. During his marriage, we saw few people (Thomas Dutronc, Jordan de Luxe) and we noted the surprising absence of Laurent Ruquier and certain members of the Big heads from RTL…

Interviewed by the magazine Gala, Christine Bravo spoke behind the scenes of this late remarriage, she who has already been married in the past to Paco Cervantes (father of her son Mathieu) then to the journalist Philippe Brunel (father of her daughter Clara). The 66-year-old star says: “I didn’t know how to present it before. My friend ? My companion? There, I will say my husband and I will be Madame Bravo-Bachot. Walk past the mayor [ce dernier a tenu un discours qui lui a tiré les larmes aux yeux, ndlr]it’s using the Napoleon code to say that we have a duty to help each other and to proclaim to the whole world that we love each other. We decided that two months ago. And we organized everything in bohemian mode in Corsica, in Occhiatana.

Organizing a wedding in two months, on the Isle of Beauty, obviously posed a scheduling problem for some of Christine Bravo’s guests. Thus, the ex-host of Frou Frou could not rely on everyone. Unfortunately, suddenly, my friends from the show could not free themselves at the last moment. Laurent Ruquier, for example, had a professional commitment but he dug into my wedding list, which was deposited with a landscaper [elle a montré en photos les cadeaux reçus, ndlr]and imagine that he chose to offer me… a pepper pot!“, reveals the one who is regularly found as a resident of Big heads. Ditto for his comrade and great accomplice Steevy Boulay, who also revealed on RTL that he could not free himself that weekend.

If she is now installed in Corsica, she still keeps her barge to give historic cruises on the Seine and there is no doubt that she will make a few passages through the capital. The opportunity to toast his wedding with all his friends.

Find the full interview with Christine Bravo in Galaedition of June 16, 2022.

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