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In 2013, the law on marriage for all was adopted by the deputies. An accomplishment dear to the former Keeper of the Seals, Christiane Taubira, a true figurehead in this battle.
10 years ago to the day, to thunderous applause from the deputies at the Palais Bourbon, the Taubira law on marriage for all was adopted. This is a real turning point for French society, also a convincing success for the Keeper of the Seals, which brought the project to the National Assembly. “It’s true that it was a real pleasure, even if it was a real battle every second”, she explains. With this law, Christiane Taubira materializes a promise of the candidate for the Élysée who became President of the Republic, François Hollande.
70,000 marriages since 2013
In the street, opponents of this same-sex marriage call themselves “La manif pour tous”. Within the processions, for weeks, they defend, they say, a conservative family model. A decade later, Christiane Taubira remembers these insults: “The homophobic surge seemed serious to me. I was surprised to see such energy deployed against the rights of other citizens”. After this legal battle, the first same-sex marriage was celebrated in Montpellier (Hérault), one month after the adoption of the law. There will have been more than 70,000 unions in ten years.