Marlène Schiappa sexually assaulted: she was the victim of several rape attempts

At the dawn of her 40th birthday, Marlène Schiappa has a very rich career. We know her to be one of the figures of the governments under the presidency of Emmanuel Macron, but her personal life is now described in a biography, La Vraie Marlène – Investigation into a disturbing minister. An existence during which she was not spared, as shown in this book published by Robert Laffont, signed Florian Anselme. If she lived a tragic first love story, she also faced sexual assault, hardships that reinforced her need to fight for the rights and protection of women. Closer publish excerpts.

During her adolescence, Marlène Schiappa found herself with her sister Carla facing an exhibitionist: “A man appears and opens his coat to reveal his private parts.“As time passes, the young Marlène Schiappa has to face another traumatic event, even more serious: an attempted rape in the metro. “At the time, a man had grabbed her violently to bring her to a corner and block her against a wall while another watched the surroundings“, reports Closer. For her, it’s the end: “That’s it, I’ll pass. He is going to rape me“, thinks Marlène Schiappa. By hitting her attacker in the crotch, she manages to flee. New aggression at 19 years old: “As soon as the doors close, with one hand, the intruder pulls out his cock and begins to masturbate. With the other hand, he tackles his victim with great violence… She is finally saved in extremis by the intervention of the friend to whom she was going.“, according to the book.

A succession of serious and traumatic events that have built Marlène Schiappa’s firm will to fight against aggression and incivility against women. That she was not the pride of the woman who is today the mother of two children and married to Cédric Bruguière for fifteen years when she became Secretary of State in charge of Equality between women and men and the fight against discrimination. Since 2020, she is now Minister Delegate in charge of Citizenship at the Ministry of the Interior.

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