Marlene Schiappa on the grill


Video length: 2 min.


Article written by

G. Daret, J. Assouly, F. Badaire, R. Torregrosa, C. Alphonse – franceinfo

France Televisions

Wednesday June 14, Marlène Schiappa had to explain herself to the commission of inquiry for the controversial management of the Marianne fund. The minister blamed her administration.

His hearing was particularly expected, Wednesday, June 14. Marlène Schiappa assures that she does not want to slip away. Six months after the assassination of Samuel Paty, the then Minister of Citizenship had launched a fund endowed with 2.5 million euros to finance associations defending the values ​​of the Republic and fighting against cyber Islamism. A few days ago, a report pointed to severe malfunctions, leading to the resignation of the prefect Gravel who was in charge of its management.

In a delicate position

At the heart of the questions in particular, the Union of Physical Education and Military Preparation Societies, the main beneficiary of 355,000 euros. Investigators suspect that these funds were not used to promote secularism, but to pay the salaries of leaders, including Mohamed Sifaoui. One question: did the minister intervene directly to promote it? Marlène Schiappa did not really convince the president of the commission of inquiry. Politically, this affair places it in a delicate situation, while a reshuffle is envisaged in the coming weeks.

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