Marlène (Married at first sight): New life with baby, marriage … she confides (EXCLUDED)

On May 31, 2022, Marlene became the mother of a little boy named Sandro. After confiding in her delivery, the candidate of Married at first sight 2019 (M6) confides in his new life to Purepeople.

You revealed that you and Sebastian called your son Sandro. How did this first name come to you?

We don’t know (laughs). With Seb, we did not agree at all on the first names. I like those who are a bit new and him those who are a bit old. We didn’t know what to do anymore. I took all the first name applications and the first name dictionary too. I then noted on an application the first names that both of us liked. We liked Gabriel, but we thought it was too common, Liam and Sandro. But I don’t remember where we saw that first name. We liked Sandro because it was Mediterranean and we both have Mediterranean origins. We looked at the origin of the first name and I liked its meaning too. In addition Sandro Serrano, the weather was nice, so we went with that first name. We decided two or three months before the end of the pregnancy.

Do you plan to reveal your son’s face one day?

For now, we don’t want to show it. We find that it is still too small. But we are not closed on the subject. I think we’ll see in due time, according to our desires.

How was your first week with your baby?

Since we got home, things have been going great. In addition Seb was able to take his paternity leave. It’s twenty-eight days old so that’s cool. He works a little, but from a distance, so it allows you to share moments in threes, it’s great. He is truly a caring father. We found our marks quite easily, it happened naturally. As I have been a childminder for eight years, I did not have too many apprehensions. I’m used to it, although it’s always different with your own child. And Seb already has a daughter who will soon be 11, so he knew about paternity. In addition, we are lucky to have a baby who hardly cries. And he is already sleeping. That night, he slept from midnight to 6 a.m. We couldn’t get over it.

How do you organize yourself with Sébastien?

It’s a bit according to our desires. If there is one who wants to change the diaper or take it, he does it. We communicate a lot. I let Seb do a lot too because I think it’s important to leave room for dad. We got more organized for the night. In general, Seb gives him the last bottle at midnight and I take care of him if he wakes up at night. And Seb takes the morning bottle. So everyone can sleep better.

How do you deal with fatigue?

So far so good, I’m not too tired. I was more tired when I was pregnant because towards the end of the pregnancy, it started to get heavy with the hot weather. I had a lot of water retention. And when you turn around, it feels like you need a crane to get there. I had insomnia too. But since he’s been here, I’ve been catching up on my sleep. As long as it lasts (laughs).

What kind of mom will you be?

A rather cool mom I hope, with whom my son will be able to share many things. I’m so happy to be able to keep it. As I am a childminder, I will be able to have him with me with the little one I was already babysitting, from September. I’m happy to tell myself that I don’t need to entrust it to anyone. I will be able to see him grow up and he will still be able to bond with other children. This is important to have more ease when entering school.

Do you have anxieties?

We all have anxieties, even more when we become a mother. My biggest fear is sudden infant death syndrome. We were made aware of this as childminders. We were taught the actions to adopt so that this does not happen. It’s like first aid. Every parent should have training, it’s super important. When you become a mother, you are responsible for a little being and you don’t want anything to happen to it.

Sébastien was already the father of a little girl. How did she welcome her little brother?

It’s going very well. She is very happy to have a little brother. She couldn’t wait for me to give birth and since Sandro is there, she helps us give him the bottle or plays with him. This is so cute. We also want to invest it in our family so that they feel comfortable.

With Sébastien, you moved in together in Nice. Did you have any bad surprises at the start of your cohabitation?

We knew each other well, but it’s true that we don’t really know the person until we live with them. We get along very well and the advantage we have is that we communicate about everything. We can easily talk about our emotions, that’s what makes our relationship strong. Afterwards, like most girls, I do more at home than Seb. But I’m lucky, he still helps me a lot. And he has a very demanding job between the radio and the rest.

A baby can weaken a couple. Did you talk about it?

Not necessarily. We know that it can weaken a couple, so it is better that it is solid before starting. And this is our case, so we are not afraid. We trust each other completely. I know he’s a great dad, because I’ve seen him do it with his daughter. And I see him doing it with Sandro, he’s so cute. And if one day something goes wrong, we can talk about it.

You joined in 2020. Are you thinking of marriage?

Ah, I would love to. Marrying a guy I know would change (laughs). It is in our plans, but our plan for the moment would rather be to buy. But in the region, it’s rather complicated to find something within our budget. Why not get married then.

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