Marketing-Advertising | The Panneton Clan becomes “El Clan” for an advertisement

A humorous advertisement from Clan Panneton, published on Friday, brought a smile to the faces of many Quebecers caught up in the pandemic gray. An idea born the day before and realized in just a few hours thanks to the audacity of the moving company.

Isabelle Dubé

Isabelle Dubé

The advertisement “Are you caught abroad?” We are the solution! »Was published in the Journal of Montreal and on the social networks of Clan Panneton, then relayed at least 2,700 times the same day from the company’s Facebook page. This number is growing and does not include all other types of sharing. “It’s an exceptional result! », Exclaims Philippe Bussières, president and founder of Code Marketing, creator of the concept.

However, in order to succeed in this brilliant coup comic advertising in record time, Code Marketing and Le Clan Panneton were not their first collaboration or their first stunt. It is the fruit of a long process of collaboration and co-creation which has lasted for five years.

“The owner of Clan Panneton is a very daring and creative entrepreneur at the base. This is not commonplace, “says Philippe Bussières, who created his agency in 2017.” He was the one who approached us with the idea of ​​the first one. stunt – the move of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan, two years ago, without knowing it would be the first in a long series. ”

Some humorous advertisements of Clan Panneton created by Code Marketing

  • Advertisement published on January 16, 2020, on the occasion of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's move to the United States


    Advertisement published on January 16, 2020, on the occasion of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s move to the United States

  • Advertisement published on November 5, 2020, after the election of Joe Biden.  Another advertisement for a truck in front of the White House was posted on social networks.


    Advertisement published on November 5, 2020, after the election of Joe Biden. Another advertisement for a truck in front of the White House was posted on social networks.

  • Advertisement published on January 20, 2021, on the occasion of Donald Trump's departure from the White House


    Advertisement published on January 20, 2021, on the occasion of Donald Trump’s departure from the White House

  • Advertisement published on April 1, 2021, in reference to the resumption of construction sites in Montreal


    Advertisement published on 1er April 2021, in reference to the resumption of construction sites in Montreal

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As the clientele of the moving company constitutes the entire population of Quebec, Code Marketing must redouble its ardor and creativity to stand out from the lot of information that is circulating. One of the strategies for getting attention is to pick up a topical piece of news and play it as a joke. The teams on both the client side and the agency side are therefore ready to turn their schedules upside down as soon as an event occurs that is conducive to the creation of such an advertisement.

When people see content like this, it strikes a lot more than just an advertisement. Inscribing Le Clan Panneton in everyone’s memory is the best way to be the company of choice when people have to move.

Philippe Bussières, president and founder of Code Marketing

This time, the idea of ​​using the story of Quebec influencers that airlines refuse to bring back from Mexico emerged during a conversation between Julien Réhel, vice-president, customer experience, and the owner of Clan Panneton, Pierre-Olivier Cyr. “Right away, it was taken seriously, and it was, ‘OK, let’s get started’, and the creative process kicked in. ”


Pierre-Olivier Cyr, owner of Clan Panneton

It was owner Pierre-Olivier Cyr who proposed to rename his company El Clan Pannetón and include an apology in Spanish for Mexicans in the advertisement.

These publicity stunts are part of the company’s annual marketing budget, explains Philippe Bussières. Agreements with various media are already made upstream. A color page in the Journal of Montreal at present is around $ 16,345, argues the president of Code Marketing. “The links are all already forged, which means that it is faster when you decide to make a stunt.

The value of an event like this lies more in the reaction of the media and the public than in the page of the newspaper itself, he continues. When it is the hosts and journalists who make the status of advertising the news of the day. “It has value precisely because it cannot be bought,” he concludes.

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