Mark Zuckerberg loses 31 billion dollars in one day, a historic drop!

We reassure you right away: even if Mark Zuckerberg saw his fortune drop by $31 billion in one night, everything is still going well for him, since the experts estimate that we would still find nearly 90 billion dollars in his bank account. At 37, the creator of Facebook simply experienced an unexpected setback that had never happened to him before.

In fact, in the past month, the world’s most famous social network, Facebook, has lost nearly a million users and profits have fallen by 8%. Poor performance that has not been helped by the announcement of “Metavers”, Mark Zuckerberg’s new idea and which is stalling quite a bit, obtaining 98% of its income from advertising. The stock market rating has therefore fallen sharply by 200 billion dollars, resulting in a huge loss of money for its leader who owns a large percentage of it.

It is therefore now ranked in 12th place of the biggest fortunes but did not beat the record of Elon Musk, who had lost 35 billion dollars in a few minutes last November. The ex-husband of Grimes had asked his subscribers if he should sell 10% of the shares of Tesla, causing there too a real tumble.

His colleague, who launched Facebook 18 years ago, has been going through a fairly difficult time professionally for a few years. After the accusations of interference in the victory of Donald Trump and Brexit, which he had to defend himself publicly and which tarnished his image, he suffered from the rise of Tik Tok. This Chinese social network, which is very popular among young people, has overshadowed its lucrative business. This is the first time in its existence that Facebook has lost users!

Fortunately, on a personal level, everything seems to be going well for the man who had been named the youngest billionaire in history: married to Priscilla Chan, a Chinese-American pediatrician, he has two daughters Maxima and August, born in 2015 and 2017. couple had met in the early 2000s on the benches of Harvard to no longer separate. Along with his wife, the Facebook founder has made several major health and education donations. They notably opened a school in California.

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