Marjorie and Alexandra of the L5: this candidate for The Voice with whom they were both in a relationship

Friday July 15 was broadcast on TFX the documentary What have they become ? dedicated to the stars of hook TV shows. Viewers were able to see former candidates like Mario Barravecchia (ex-candidate of the Star Academy 1), Cindy Sander and Myriam Abel (ex-candidates of New star) or even Michal and Magali Vaé (ex-candidates of the star Academyseasons 3 and 5).

Marjorie Parascandola, ex-candidate of the first season of pop stars on M6 and member of the L5 group was also present in this documentary. The teams found her in Saint-Cyr-sur-Mer (Var) where she lives with his two children: Lola, 11 years old and Sandro born on September 2, 2021 that she had with Patrice Carmona, her companion since 2018. Moreover, the latter was also revealed in a famous tele-hook which is none other than The Voice. He had participated as a candidate in 2012 during the first season. He was then in a relationship with another woman whom his partner Marjorie knows very well, it is his L5 partner, Alexandra Canto aka Alex Dana.

Fraternal bonds between Marjorie and her friend Alexandra

Another coincidence, the father of Marjorie’s eldest daughter is Alexandra’s older brother. In 2014, on the set of the France 2 program It’s a storyMarjorie had launched to her friend Alexandra: “Who would have thought that I would have married your brother?”. “That you would have a little girl of whom I would be the godmother”, then replied Alexandra. Like what, even after the separation of the L5, Marjorie and Alexandra continued to maintain fraternal ties.

Spinning the perfect love with her darling Patrice, Marjorie is also a mother and a fulfilled woman in the arms of her darling who does not hesitate to share moments of complicity with her sweetheart on Instagram. As in particular their honeymoon in Rome last March.

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