Mariupol under Russian control



Article written by

B. Delombre, L. Lacroix, F. Pairaud – France 3

France Televisions

In Mariupol, a new UN convoy is expected to evacuate the civilians entrenched in the Azovstal factory. At the beginning of May, the Russians are cleaning up the city, which they have partly destroyed.

Under the surveillance of pro-Russian soldiers, about fifteen individuals have just emerged from the hell of Mariupol. Friday, May 6, they took advantage of a ceasefire that was not yet valid the day before. In recent days, the industrial site has been bombarded by the Russian army. In the basements, a hundred Ukrainians are still taking refuge there. 200 civilians would still be trapped. ‘This is an example of torture’says Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Mariupol is now occupied by the Russians. At the entrance to the city, the signs indicating the name of the city in Ukrainian and English are replaced by others, only written in Russian. Men repaint a submarine, restore parks and monuments before the May 9 parade, highly celebrated in Russia. On this 72nd day of war, Moscow seems to be doing everything to show that it is at home in Mariupol.

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