Mariupol: Russian patriotic songs failed to mask the sound of the bombardments


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In Mariupol in Ukraine too, we haveIébré this May 9th. Lhe ceremony was organized by IRussian occupier, while IThe bombardments continue. On site, we find Lcua Lacross.

“Here in Mariupol, a Ingo ribbon of St. George was unfurled. It is a symbol that Irussia has revived in recent years. There are also Russian flags, and some more Ioin, balloons in the colors of Iin Russia. There are also Soviet symbols”, describes Lcua Lacrossspecial envoy for France TeeIrevisions.

A symbolic ceremony, but “relatively Iimitated. She is placed under high security, because throughout Iat ceremony, Irussian anthem or Ipatriotic songs did not hide Ie noise of the bombardments on I‘Azovstal factory, the last Ukrainian stronghold in this town of Mariupol’, reports Ie journalist Lcua Lacross.

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