Mariupol, a martyr city relentlessly pounded by the Russian army


France 2

Article written by

S. Lequesne, @RevelateursFTV, E. Urtado – France 2

France Televisions

The port city of Mariupol (Ukraine), which provides access to the Sea of ​​Azov, is falling into the hands of Russian troops, despite resistance. For the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, the perpetrators of the bombings will have to answer for their war crimes.

A Russian tank advances in a street of Mariupol (Ukraine), Sunday March 20. The scene is filmed by a group of Ukrainian nationalists. The machine is hit twice. Moments later, a second tank is pulverized. In the footage, a soldier runs out, and the Russians are retreating. Ukrainian forces broadcast these images of ambushes on Russian tanks in the streets of Mariupol. The resistance is fierce.

However, the Russian army continues to progress meter after meter, Sunday March 20, two days after entering the city. Mariupol is now consumed on all sides. An artistic center, where 400 people took refuge, was also bombed. The martyr city, relentlessly attacked by the Russian army for 19 days, has still not fallen.

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