Marion Rousse: Who is her first husband, a famous sportsman, with whom she had a passionate affair?

Within a few years, Marion Rousse became one of the faces of the Tour de France on television. Alongside former cyclist Laurent Jalabert or even journalist and presenter Laurent Luyat, a victim of health concerns is forced to leave his partners, the beautiful 30-year-old blonde has made a place for herself in the audiovisual landscape. It must be said that his love affair with one of the most popular French cyclists of recent years must have helped. Since April 2020, she has had a beautiful relationship with Julian Alaphilippe, double world champion in road cycling and with whom she had a child.

On June 14, 2021, Marion Rousse gave birth to the adorable little Nino and since then the lovers have spent a lot of time with their son. Unfortunately, her companion was unable to start the Grande Boucle this year and the consultant is therefore separated from the two men in her life. Former French road cycling champion, the young woman has always been immersed in this sport, which she began to practice at a very young age. A universe she knows by heart and Julian Alaphilippe is not the first professional cyclist to have capsized his heart. In 2008, she met Tony Gallopina charming French cyclist with whom she will quickly fall in love.

A marriage in 2014 before a separation in 2019

The two lovebirds will live a very beautiful love story for 6 years before getting married in October 2014 during a beautiful ceremony. Tony Gallopin is also not unknown to the general public since he has long been one of the most popular riders on the Tour de France, for which he wore the yellow jersey in 2014. A beautiful story that ends in 2019 when Marion Rousse and the athlete divorce. “After 12 years, Tony and I have been separated for a few months. I will always hold a lot of affection and goodwill towards our history and the person with whom I have shared all these years.“, she explained at the time on Instagram.

A great story with Tony Gallopin which finally ended well and a new one which quickly started with Julian Alaphilippe for Marion Rousse, fulfilled with his champion!

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