Marion Rousse puts ‘shame’ on Nino: the young mother teases her son at the beach

Marion Rousse can finally enjoy good times with his son Nino after a simply crazy month of July! The 30-year-old mother is one of the star consultants of the Tour de France alongside Laurent Jalabert and every year she follows the queen competition of cycling for France Télévisions. From Denmark to Switzerland via Belgium, the companion of Julian Alaphilippe has seen the country this year, but it was only the beginning of the adventure, since she was appointed director of the Tour de France Women, which had its first edition this year. A great success and a particularly moving arrival last Sunday for the beautiful blonde who couldn’t hold back her tears.

After this beautiful month of July and despite the absence of her lover on the Grande Boucle, not quite recovered from a terrible fall last April, Marion Rousse was able to return home at the start of the week and finally find her little Nino. A real moment of happiness, as she shared on social networks. Fusion, the adorable little blond and his mother have not left each other since his return home and very quickly, they left to enjoy the good weather at the beach. The little boy, who celebrated his 1st birthday last June, was adorable as a little swimmer and obviously he is already very attracted to the sea.

Day at the beach and a little joke

A very nice reunion that did not prevent the consultant from making a little bit of humor on her Instagram account. Followed by more than 310,000 subscribers on Instagram, Marion Rousse posted a nice photo of Nino and her in story, adding the following sentence: “Uh… Mom, you’re embarrassing me here…”. In the photo, the little boy can be seen having fun on the beach while his mother showers him with kisses (the photo can be found in the slideshow). Despite the fatigue of the last month, the companion of Julian Alaphilippe has not lost his humor and this little joke should amuse his fans.

Back home after long weeks of absence, Marion Rousse takes full advantage of her little Nino and the holidays for two promise to be very beautiful.

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