Marion Rousse: Moving farewell message to her companion and her son before leaving “towards Copenhagen”

It’s a bittersweet start for Marion Rousse who flies to Denmark for the Tour de France, but leaves behind her companion, Julian Alaphilippe, forced to stay at home. A lost bet for the double world champion in road cycling, who was however coming back well from a terrible fall suffered at the end of April. After only two months of recovery, the 30-year-old cyclist, who returned last weekend for the French Championships, seemed on the way to getting there, but obviously he was still physically too tight. His team therefore decided not to call him to participate in the Grande Boucle, causing the sadness of his fans.

Marion Rousse therefore spent her last moments at home with Julian Alaphilippe and their little Nino yesterday, enjoying a beautiful walk in the sun before three weeks which promises to be intense. Consultant for France Télévisions, she is also responsible for being director of the Tour de France Women which is making its debut this year. A heavy responsibility which will therefore prevent him from seeing his lover and his son for a long time and it seems that it weighs on him when he leaves France to join Denmark and its capital, Copenhagen. In her story on Instagram, where she is followed by more than 290,000 subscribers, the beautiful blonde posted a nice photo of his companion and his son during yesterday’s outing.

A last goodbye before leaving for Denmark

“I will miss these two little heads”, she wrote on the photo, adding a sad smiley and a heart. Marion Rousse is inevitably moved to have to leave them for several weeks, but with Julian at home, little Nino should not be bored. A departure for Denmark which took place this morning as she indicated in story by posting a photo from the airport. On the photo you can see his passport, the plane ticket slipped inside, the Tour de France account tagged and a simple: “Heading to Copenhagen” (photos can be found in the slideshow).

Two days before the great debut of the Tour de France, Marion Rousse is ready, even if she will miss Julian and Nino a lot!

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