Marion Rousse: her sister has just given birth, beautiful photo with her nephew Livio

The period is for celebrations for Marion Rousse ! The beautiful 30-year-old blonde has just celebrated the first birthday of her son Nino, who must already be celebrating a new arrival in her family. However, some time ago, the young woman and her companion, Julian Alaphilippe, were going through difficult times. The cyclist, who has also just celebrated his 30th birthday, suffered a terrible fall during a race and he finally pulled through quite miraculously.

The opportunity for the recent father to have a good time at home during his recovery. On June 14, he was therefore able to celebrate as it should be the first birthday of his son, Nino, in the company of their loved ones. Only one day after this very special day, Marion Rousse has just made a rather surprising new announcement on social networks. Very active on Instagram, the consultant who works for France Télévisions published a story yesterday for announce the birth of his nephew!

Livio, Nino’s future playmate!

In her story, the mother hen followed by more than 290,000 subscribers published a nice photo of her in the presence of her sister Flavie’s son. “And welcome to the Livio family”, she wrote on the photo, adding a series of emojis to show her happiness to see the little boy join the Rousse family. Already very present for her nephew, the former cycling champion give the bottle to little Liviowho seems very comfortable in the arms of his aunt (photo to be found in the slideshow).

Very good news for Nino as well, who has just found a great playmate. In a few years, the two boys will be able to have fun together and with a little blond as adorable as the son of Marion and Julian, the two children should get along perfectly!

Delighted with the arrival of Livio in her family, Marion Rousse is an aunt in heaven and she must already be looking forward to seeing Nino having fun with her cousin!

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