Marion Rousse celebrates Nino’s six months in photos, his “explosion of happiness”

Time flies when you have just had a baby and Marion Rousse has just realized this. The consultant for France Televisions has just celebrated the six months of her little Nino. A son she had with the cyclist Julian Alaphilippe, a year and a half after the formalization of their relationship. Since then, the two lovers are completely gagas of their boy, who makes them happy every day. They never hesitate to publish photos of their many adventures and Nino has already experienced quite a few firsts at his age.

Born on June 14, it was therefore exactly six months of existence yesterday for the little boy and his mother did not fail to remind his 283,000 subscribers on Instagram. In a publication online yesterday, Marion Rousse wished her son a happy birthday: “6 months … already … An explosion of happiness this little Nino. Always this smile which melts our hearts of dad and mom. I love you. We love you”, she wrote in commentary to a series of four photos. And it is true that the little boy looks particularly happy if we stick to the pictures posted by his mother. Very cute, he shows a wide smile, no matter where he is!

Photos that have greatly pleased Internet users since in less than 24 hours, there are already more than 23,000 to have liked the publication. To conclude her message, Marion Rousse launches a wishful thinking: “And please don’t grow too fast”. A post that made subscribers react: “This boils”, “He’s way too cute” or “How cute is this piece of cabbage from Nino”, they are all unanimous!

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