Marion Rousse celebrates her 31st birthday: the touching message of Julian Alaphilippe, still in love

The life of a professional cyclist is made up of a lot of joy, but also of some annoyances and Julian Alaphilippe is living it. After several weeks away from his family, the double road cycling world champion was finally able to return home a few days ago, but it’s already back to work for the 30-year-old sportsman. The continuation of a complicated season to say the least which saw him miss the Tour de France, one of his main objectives for the year. It must be said that the darling of the public is coming back from afar, he who suffered a terrible fall at the end of April during the Belgian classic, Liège-Bastogne-Liège.

After falling, he crashes into a tree and miraculously survives. Recovered from his injuries, he was able to return to training, but was deemed too short to participate in the Grande Boucle. A terrible disappointment for Julian Alaphilippe and his companion, Marion Rousse, who did not hesitate to voice his dissatisfaction live on television. Fortunately, all this is ancient history and now the two lovers can enjoy good times together with their boy, Nino (1 year old).

Julian forced to leave, Marion already sad

Always as gaga of the beautiful little blond with blue eyes, the two parents spend a lot of time with him and do not hesitate to share some of these moments with their subscribers on Instagram. Today is a little different since it is the young mother who is put forward, the day of her 31st birthday. In his story, Julian Alaphilippe published a nice photo of Marion Rousse sitting with Nino in her arms. “Happy birthday my Marion. I will miss you both”, he writes, visibly disappointed to have to leave them soon. Moved by the beautiful message of her companion, the pretty blonde replied to her in her story: “We already miss you” (photos can be found in the slideshow).

If her darling will not be able to be there for her birthday, Marion Rousse has nevertheless received a beautiful proof of love from her!

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