Marion Rousse, a young mother on the farm: her little Nino in heaven

Since becoming a full-time mother, Marion Rousse has applied herself body and soul to awakening all of her little boy’s senses. A few days earlier, on November 28, the mother had reserved a big surprise for her baby since she had gone to Andorra, where they live. A brief stay in the mountains during which little Nino had discovered snow for the first time. A breath of fresh air that the young parents had proudly shared on social networks.

An accomplice, even complementary, with her baby, Marion Rousse will stop at nothing to be by her side. As proof, last July – when Nino Alaphilippe had just been born, the pretty blonde had decided to take the latter on the roads of France in a motorhome. A great initiative that allowed her darling – who was participating in the Tour de France – to be alongside her boy.

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