Marion Maréchal pregnant: rare secrets about her future baby

At the end of January 2022, Marion Maréchal announced that she was pregnant with her second child – the first with her husband Vincenzo Sofo – during an interview with The Parisian which announced his return to the political scene. A birth scheduled for the month of June, during the period of the legislative elections. On the set of the show Let’s stay Zen of Paris Première, the one who rallied Eric Zemmour to the detriment of his aunt Marine Le Pen mentioned his future baby and in particular his first name.

The intensity of the campaign has fallen with the victory of Emmanuel Macron, but political figures continue to survey television broadcasts to prepare for the legislative elections. Marion Maréchal thus went to the premises of Paris Première to talk about the future of the young party she joined, Reconquest. Asked about her plans, the former MP indicated that she was not sure of presenting her candidacy for the legislative elections which will be held on June 12 and 19: “I left myself some time, for personal reasons” Indeed, pregnant, she should give birth during this period. This is how she adds: “Having managed my timing well, I have to give birth on the day of the second round. (…) June 18. ” Another guest, Raphaël Enthoven, remarks that it is also shortly before the birthday of his famous grandfather, Jean-Marie Le Pen, but his granddaughter will not bounce on this precision.

Very comfortable on the set of the show – more than in front of the jokes of Philippe Caverivière on RTL, the 32-year-old politician even pours out on the baby’s first name, reacting to the host’s wink Anais Button. Indeed, the latter proposes Charles, since the term of her pregnancy corresponds to the call of General de Gaulle. Marion Maréchal then retorts: “Yes, you will say that to my Italian husband, he wants an Italian name.“It was then that it was pointed out to him that the boss of his party claimed the importance of choosing a first name”very French”. “I do not let myself do it“, she replied with a smile.

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