Marion Maréchal pregnant: her baby bump clearly visible in the middle of a meeting

During the presidential campaign, Marion Maréchal had chosen to join forces with Eric Zemmour, a far-right candidate, rather than to line up behind her aunt Marine Le Pen – with whom relations are strained – patron of the National Rally. Unfortunately for her, she bet on the wrong horse since the decried candidate finally won only 7% of the vote. Never mind, she is now embarking on the legislative battle.

Friday, May 20, while the entire political class was waiting to discover the composition of the new government of Emmanuel Macron, we could see Marion Maréchal in a meeting in Tarascon, in the Bouches-du-Rhône. She had come to lend a hand to Stéphane Ravier and Nicolas Bay, who presented the 16 candidates of the Reconquest party in this department. The young woman of only 32 years appeared in a black and white summer dress, revealing an imposing round molded belly, hinting at a pregnancy which is rapidly approaching the end. She is currently pregnant with her second child, the result of her remarriage to far-right Italian politician Vincenzo Sofo. Previously, she welcomed a little girl named Olympe, from her past union with Matthieu Decosse.

Marion Maréchal, who gave up becoming a deputy herself because of her pregnancy, is however a substitute for the very young candidate Stanislas Rigault (23 years old), in the 2nd constituency of Vaucluse. Marine Le Pen, unsuccessful candidate in the second round of the presidential election and again in the running to keep her seat as deputy (in Pas-de-Calais) did not fail to tackle her niece… This is not not at her level to be a substitute. “When we are at his level, when we have the course which is his, we are a candidate or we are not.“, she said at the microphone of BFMTV, May 19. Reconciliation is clearly not for now …

As a reminder, the legislative elections will take place on Sundays June 12 and 19. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, boss of La France Insoumise, hopes that the Nupes – a coalition of LFI, PS, PC and EELV – will win in order to impose cohabitation on the current president…

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