Marion Maréchal mom: who is the father of her 2nd child, her husband Vincenzo Sofo?

A year after her marriage to politician Vincenzo Sofo, Marion Maréchal gave birth to their first child together, a daughter born June 10, 2022 and named Clotilde. A happy news that arrived during the legislative elections in which she participated as a substitute in the Vaucluse, her Reconquest party did not however obtain a place in the second round. The 32-year-old granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen and niece of Marine Le Pen revealed the news on Instagram shortly after her husband’s post. Who is the man with whom she chose to have her second child – the first is Olympe, born in 2014 from her first marriage to Matthieu Décosse?

On social networks, MEP (since 2019) Vincenzo Sofo presents himself as a Milanese but very attached to the region of Calabria. He calls himself a motorcycle enthusiast, as well as an identity patriot. In the European Assembly, he is part of the group of European Conservatives and Reformists which brings together right-wing and nationalist right-wing parties.

Born in Milan in northern Italy in 1986, Vincenzo Sofo prides himself on having grown up in the streets, schools, football fields and karate halls of the Lorenteggio-Giambellino-Solari districts of the Milanese metropolis. After obtaining a degree in management and then specializing in the public sector, he worked in the consulting sector for public administration: first by training in a company active in regulatory support and management of Local Authorities, then dealing with the cultural policies of the Lombardy Region.

It was in 2009 that the young man joined the Northern League, often described as populist and far-right. In his CV on his website, he explains that he joined this movement after the political “flattening” of Forza Italia and the Northern Alliance. In February 2021, he left La Ligue not sharing his rapprochement with the Draghi government, accusing it of having abandoned the project of “construction of a strong identity and right-wing conservative force to take a more moderate and centrist path“. A decision that resonates with that of his wife Marion Maréchal who joined Reconquête and Eric Zemmour, in the face of what she saw as an ideological weakening of the National Rally led by her famous aunt.

It was in 2016 that Vincenzo Sofo met Marion Maréchal, “on the occasion of a public meeting with Matteo Salvini, boss of the Lega“, underlined the newspaper The Parisian September 3, 2021. The lovers got married on September 11, 2021 in the Paris region – they were supposed to do it in Italy but their project was complicated by the Covid-19 health crisis. Marine Le Pen could not be present to attend the wedding of her niece because she had been retained in Fréjus to make her political comeback there. However, she did not fail to congratulate her on Twitter and certainly made up for it by offering her a nice gift from her well-stocked wedding list.

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