Marion Maréchal is considering joining Eric Zemmour

Which candidate will support Marion Marechal for the presidential election? It could well be Eric Zemmour. “I’m thinking, no decision is made” corn “if I support Eric, it’s not just to pop a head and say hello”, said the niece of Marine Le Pen, Thursday, January 27, in an interview with the Parisian. “EObviously it’s brutal, it’s violent, it’s difficult for me”, reacted the candidate of the National Rally, Friday, January 28, on CNews.

Outraged “the personal aspect”, “It’s a political misunderstanding because it [Marion Maréchal] had indicated that she would support whoever is best placed, and undoubtedly I am much better placed than Eric Zemmour since I am given in the second round” in the polls, neck and neck with LR candidate Valérie Pécresse, added Marine Le Pen.

Marion Maréchal developed Thursday with the Parisian, recalling having said to be “for the union behind the best placed. But we can see that we are not taking the path of the union… And I don’t know who is the best placed”.

“Eric Zemmour has a greater margin of progression among the working classes and abstentionists than Marine Le Pen among the upper classes. It is difficult to get rid of an image in politics.”

Marion Marshal

in “The Parisian”

In the fall, the former member of the National Front had said “advocate for a single candidacy behind the best placed” in order to avoid two far-right candidates who “are at risk of short-circuiting”.

Jean-Marie Le Pen also reacted on Twitter on Friday. He expressed the wish to speak with his daughter and niece. The former honorary president of the RN says he will express “subsequently” his preference for the presidential election.

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