Marion Maréchal gunned down: “She saw herself too beautiful, too perfect”

In January 2022, Marion Maréchal announced her big return to politics, almost five years after stepping away from the middle at the time of the 2017 presidential elections. Parisian, she implied that she would support the person best qualified, namely her aunt Marine Le Pen or the newcomer Eric Zemmour. Since then, she has gradually slipped towards the camp of the ex-controversialist who finished with 7% in the first round – the National Rally came to him in the second round. the comeback of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s granddaughter failed and she indicated that she was not running for the legislative elections – the date of which also corresponds to the end of her second pregnancy. The Express analyzed his failed adventure.

Was Marion Maréchal a political fantasy for the far right during this presidential campaign? We remember the terms used by Philippe de Villiers to present the 32-year-old woman at the Toulon meeting on March 6, who praised her femininity, her charisma and her resemblance to a “Mermaid“: “She is not a politician, she is much more than that.” Flattered, she also felt that the expectations were disproportionate and this has been confirmed over time: her rallying failed to raise the curve of the polls for Reconquest, whose figures have been falling steadily since. Russia’s entry into the war against Ukraine.

A relative of Marion Maréchal affirms that she “will never admit in public that she has regrets, because she is way too proud“. The former deputy, who has become vice-president of Eric Zemmour’s party, is without a mandate and is paid by the party. Like the leader’s companion, Sarah Knafo, with whom relations are not always obvious. She is also neglected by relatives: “His best man, Thibaut Monnier, left his post at Reconquête!. His friend François de Voyer disapproves of his choices, he who said he did not understand ‘neither the place nor the timing’ of his rallying“, precise The Express.

By standing out from her aunt Marine Le Pen with whom relations have been complicated since 2017 – but without ever attacking her head-on, Marion Maréchal has damaged her public image and is seen as a traitor. Impossible to get closer to her now. “She saw herself too beautiful, too perfect“, creaks an RN parliamentarian to the curious ears of the weekly. Now, she is training the executives of Eric Zemmour’s party and preparing for the arrival in June of her second and first child with Italian politician Vincenzo Sofo.

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