Marion Maréchal “gives up” to be a candidate in the Vaucluse, according to the coordinator of Reconquest! of the department

According to Bertrand de la Chesnais, the former MP for Vaucluse will not run for a new term in the legislative elections on June 12 and 19.

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The former deputy of Vaucluse Marion Maréchal, executive vice-president of Reconquête!, will not seek a new mandate in the legislative elections of June 12 and 19. Marine Le Pen’s niece “prefer to give up”indicates to France Bleu Vaucluse the coordinator of the party of Eric Zemmour in the Vaucluse, Bertrand de la Chesnais. “Unfortunately, with her pregnancy, she was still hesitating and today, that’s it, her decision is made. We regret it very much”, he points out. Marion Maréchal was MP for the 3rd constituency of Vaucluse between 2012 and 2017, at the time under the colors of the National Front.

Bertrand de la Chesnais explains that Marion Maréchal “prepared for this birth in Paris” and say “to understand” her decision “because a pregnancy is not just anything in a woman’s life”. On the other hand, he assures that Marion Maréchal “will come to support us as long as she is still in good shape to be able to move, which we hope in the coming days”.

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