Marion Maréchal formalizes her support for Eric Zemmour and appears at his meeting in Toulon

“I believe again that victory is possible,” said in Toulon (Var) the niece of Marine Le Pen and former FN deputy.

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A new rallying in the team of Eric Zemmour. Former National Front MP Marion Maréchal formalized her support for the far-right candidate in the presidential election on Sunday March 6. “I’m not going to lie to you, it was difficult to make this decision, recognized the niece of Marine Le Pen during the meeting of Eric Zemmour in Toulon. Here, I finally have the certainty that this fight is not in vain. I believe again that victory is possible.”

At the end of January, the president of the National Rally, Marine Le Pen, also a presidential candidate, had judged “brutal, violent” than Marion Maréchal is considering joining Eric Zemmour in the race for the Elysée. The former member of the National Front then told the Figaro what “leaned for Eric Zemmour” but there was also “a family matter” with his aunt. In recent weeks, several elected officials, including a leading member of the RN, MEP Nicolas Bayand the only senator of the party, Stéphane Ravierboth ideologically close to Marion Maréchal, have joined Eric Zemmour’s campaign.

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