Marion Cotillard shot down, this huge blow that pushed her to question everything

Marion Cotillard does not hide it, ecology is a cause that is particularly close to her heart. And if her notoriety can be used to change things, she will not hesitate to use her image. A committed actress, the 47-year-old actress was sensitized at a very young age by her grandparents. ” Before, I was one of the people considered a bit on the high side, hippies, home version in the Larzac with goats and sheepskins “, she confided recently in the columns of ELLE magazine. “At 20, I felt very alone in the face of these questions. I felt the need to get closer to people who could understand my eco-anxiety at the time. »

Lonely, Marion Cotillard therefore seeks to meet people who look like her. It was then that she approached a member of the Greenpeace organization to whom she would have said: ” I will never have children”. “This person replied that he understood, but at the same time, if people who, like me, had arrived at this type of questioning stopped doing it, the scales would not tip in favor of the awareness. »

” Completely crazy “

The way nature builds itself is subtle, it needs time; its destruction, so rapid “, then added Marion Cotillard. Although Marion Cotillard had promised not to have children, the young woman still gave birth to a little boy named Marcel in 2011, then to a little girl named Louise in 2017. only increases his fears. “I protected my son, I wanted a happy childhood for him. I wouldn’t want him, faced with disaster, to turn to me and say: ‘You’re completely mad, in fact, for not having warned me.’ » For her, “those who are educated and live in a developed country must take the measure of their responsibilities. “A fight that she intends to carry out until the end.


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