Marion Cotillard reveals her legs in Cannes: short look alongside Melvil Poupaud

The climbs of the steps are linked on the Croisette. On this fourth day of the Cannes Film Festival, the event highlights Sibling, drama by Arnaud Desplechin featuring the icy and hateful relationships of a brother, Louis, played by the talented Melvil Poupaud, and Alice, played by Marion Cotillard. In less than a year, the 46-year-old actress has climbed the steps of the Cannes Film Festival for the second time. Last year, she came to defend Annette of Leos Carax, musical comedy in which she gave the reply to Adam Driver. If the film had not won the Palme d’or – won by Titanium of Julia Ducournau -, it had nevertheless caused a sensation. This time, it is a very French work that the Oscar-winning actress has come to defend. The premiere of this 75th edition!

To applaud the talent of Marion Cotillard, Rossy De Palma, president of the Camera d’Or jury, director Xavier Dolan, under whose orders she shot in Just the end of the world, or even Ladj Ly wanted to be present to support the team that followed in their footsteps. And all had bet on sobriety for this premiere. No dress for Marion Cotillard but a beautiful Chanel black playsuit, short enough to enhance her legs and her figure. The note of transparency on the sleeves even added a sexy side to her look.

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