Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet: The birth of their love story, against a backdrop of infidelity?

The public loved and applauded them, in 2003, in the film Child games by Yann Samuell. Sometimes reality meets fiction. Without ending their life together cast in concrete, Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet developed feelings, fell in love and even founded, over time, a lovely family made up of a boy and a girl – Marcel, born on May 19, 2011 and Louise, who joined the clan on March 10, 2017. However, this story is not completely rosy… especially not its beginnings.

Got my lovely darling and lover who wouldn’t like that

The chronology of their idyll still remains, in 2022, very uncertain. When they were promoting the film Child gamesMarion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet had categorically refused to kiss on the set of the show Everybody talks about it, just for the pleasure of Thierry Ardisson. And for good reason, they were both a couple. He was married to Diane Kruger, she frequented the actor Stéphan Guérin-Tillié. “I am an actor and I do it in a film, explained Guillaume Canet, about this challenge that he did not wish to take up. The second reason is that I have my lovely darling and love who wouldn’t like that and I would understand that.

Officially Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet have been in a relationship since October 2007. But the two actors had already been friends since 1997 and they could have exchanged more than just hugs during this time… even though they weren’t were not hearts to take! Returning to Thierry Ardisson several years later, and faced with this famous, somewhat embarrassing sequence from 2003, in which they refused each other a kiss, Guillaume Canet was questioned about the number of times that had elapsed after his passage on television so that he manages to seduce Marion Cotillard. “You mean before!“, he replied then. “You were already together then!“, exclaimed the man in black, who had simply been entitled to a “maybe”. Mystery, mystery…

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