Marion Cotillard and Guillaume Canet lovers before being officially a couple? The recent revelations that surprise

“7 years unofficial”. On October 31, Guillaume Canet released a funny piece of information while he was on Michel Drucker’s couch in the show Roll on Sunday on France 2. The actor and director revealed that several years of love “unofficial” were part of his story with Marion Cotillard. A revelation that seemed to greatly surprise the timeless presenter of the second channel. “You told me 20 years ago the other day!”replied Michel Drucker, probably disappointed not to know all the little secrets of Guillaume Canet. So if everyone thought it was “only” 14 years that the two actors lived on a small cloud, it is actually 21 years that they love each other. An unofficial period to hide something? Maybe.
But don’t rely on the director, actor and producer to provide the answer. The latter preferring to reveal the anecdotes of the shooting or the way the idea of ​​the Rock’n Roll script came to his mind. The film aired this Thursday, January 6 on W9 happened a little “by chance” in the head of Guillaume Canet as he indicated in the columns of Telerama : “The reporter kept repeating: ‘You are aware that you are not very rock! Your life, your wife … You are not even sex, drugs and rock’n’roll at all, are you?’, And me I justified myself, like a fool: ‘But yes! I play the guitar! I happened to take drugs, and sex, it’s okay, thank you …’ The journalist left, I found that so crazy and my efforts at justification so stupid that it made me laugh, and I also called Philippe Lefebvre dry. I thought it was a brilliant subject. We wrote the screenplay in four months. Everyone to whom I made him read and said to me, ‘It’s madness, you’re going to spoil your image’. But that’s exactly what I liked. “
In the end, it is by wanting to prove something to a journalist that Guillaume Canet brought his film to life. “biographical” allowing him to go into a delirium that only he and his partner Marion Cotillard can understand. As well as all his fans who also offered a warm welcome to the project when it came out.

See also: Alexandra Lamy: Her photo with her sister Audrey on Christmas Eve puts Marion Cotillard in all its forms!


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